The Four Zen Vows

Sentient Beings are numberless, I vow to save them.

Delusions are inexhaustible, I vow to end them.

Dharma gates are boundless, I vow to Master them.

The Buddha Way is unattainable, I vow to attain it.

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It sounds like a really difficult situation, and that you need acceptance for making your own choices and standing for what you believe in


There's a book i read a couple of years ago called "The Third Side - Why We Fight and How We Can Stop". It gives different roles that a third party can play in helping resolve conflicts: https://thirdside.williamury.com/roles-overview/

Maybe you have some people in the community who can take on different roles for making peace?

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Most profound and sincere gratitude for what you have already given us. šŸ™šŸ» Can't wait to continue learning from what your path may unfold.šŸŒ» You probably are the only person with whom we can skip the... "take a lot of care". See you

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