May 2Liked by Brother Promise

Credit where credit is due. Here is Brother Promise of Plum Village Buddhist Monastery Upper Hamlet teaching his Daily Wellness Empowerment Program (DWEP) course and offering free audio and video learning materials to support others in connecting with and taking good care of their physical body. Mental Heath Revolution https://mentalhealthrevolution.substack.com

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Thank you. How is your Arms Swinging practice? Did you have a look at the Arms Swinging articles? 😊

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That's a very good question Brother Promise. I am trying my best to do stretching every morning, but I confess I skip it sometimes. I wish I had the discipline. It's hard, you know...

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Yes, discipline is hard. That's when a DWEP Buddy can be helpful, someone who regularly checks on you in how you're doing with your self-care habits, and someone you can support in return.

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Reading the articles or listening to the DWEP lessons is another way to "water the seeds" and nurture our focus and motivation.

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Do you do weekly online DWEP coaching Br. Promise? Or do you know anyone who does DWEP online coaching that you can recommend? I know you live a monastic way of life and I don't want to adversely affect that in any way.

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I'll put you in touch with someone by email.

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May 2Liked by Brother Promise

Thanks Br. Promise. I am going out for a long walk now in the soft rain and fresh air filled with negative ions to get some exercise. May all beings be well and happy.

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